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4.华杉 华楠《超级符号就是超级创意》推荐理由:华杉:上海华与华营销咨询有限公司董事长,中国最成功的创意人,“华与华方法”创立者,多年来致力于企业战略和品牌营销的研究与实践,独创了熔企业战略、产品开发、营销创意、品牌管理为一炉的“华与华方法”,深入影响了中国商业竞争的各个领域。
专家推荐编委群《用众筹,连接世界——中国众筹产业地图解读》一书,由众多行业大咖倾情力作:谢森树 中国国际众筹产业论坛暨展览会总召集总策划,展览会组委会秘书长高鹏 福布斯专栏作家 G2 众筹工坊董事长常桦 北京大学互联网金融项目组主任、中国互联网金融行业促进会秘书长张汉亚 中国投资协会会长王琼文 厦门市会议展览事务局局长杨东 中国人民大学法学院教授祝慧烨 中国投资协会咨询专业委员会助理会长、产业与金融创新平台秘书长安仰东 民进中央经济委员会副主任、民进北京市委经济委员会主任刘志硕 中关村股权众筹联盟理事长罗明雄 京北众筹总裁、上海交通大学互联网金融研究所所长孙华 京东金融法务总监高征 淘宝众筹总经理郑林 人人投CEO闫小飞 苏宁众筹副总经理孙久文 我的众筹(北京)投资股份有限公司董事长杨文 股权众筹家(知投网)创始人柯斌 易筹网联合创始人陈端 中央财经大学文化传播学院副教授张照华 中国众筹精英会创始人张兆强 中国众筹精英会联合创始人、精英众筹CEO李大维 创客之父、新车间创始人王蠡 全国学习型企业联盟执行秘书长张迅诚 99世界众筹节发起人、众筹工场创始人陈东 EMBA众筹联盟执行主席李妍 荣业资本总经理杨文华 华夏商邦研究院执行院长金锋 明德经伦管理学院副院长图书目录《用众筹,连接世界——中国众筹产业地图解读》 目录前言 用众筹,连接世界 中国国际众筹产业论坛及展览会组委会秘书长,中国众筹产业联盟发起人兼秘书长,北京清众华筹基金管理公司董事长 谢森树序一 众筹金融是我国多层次资本市场的有机组成部分 中国投资协会会长 张汉亚序二 投洽会将持续关注中国众筹产业 厦门市会议展览事务局局长王琼文 序三 国务院支持的“四众”核心是“众筹” 中国人民大学法学院副院长、众筹金融研究院负责人、世界众筹大会首席众筹金融专家杨东一、新金融时代与众筹1 .新金融时代与众筹 中国投资协会投资咨询专业委员会助理会长、产业与金融创新平台秘书长 祝慧烨2.众筹——推动人类组织进化的力量 民进中央经济委员会副主任、民进北京市委经济委员会主任 安仰东3.中关村打造全球最大股权众筹中心 中关村股权众筹联盟理事长 刘志硕4. 股权众筹路在何方?——创新引领股权融资的升级发展 京北众筹总裁、上海交通大学互联网金融研究所所长 罗明雄5.小额公开发行与股权众筹中国化 京东金融法务总监 孙华6.领筹基金,创健康众筹生态圈 G2众筹工坊董事长 高鹏7.国内外股权众筹监管制度梳理及政策建议 上海交通大学互联网金融研究所所长、京北众筹总裁 罗明雄 北京大成律师事务所高级合伙人 符英华8.“股权众筹第一案”解读 人民大学法学院教授 杨东二、众筹、众创的实践与体会1认真对待每一个梦想——淘宝众筹在中国 淘宝众筹负责人 高征2.众筹时代已经来临 北京人人投网络科技有限公司CEO 郑林3.苏宁众筹的O2O之路 苏宁众筹总经理 闫小飞4自用型众创空间,颠覆了谁的世界? 我的众筹(北京)投资股份有限公司董事长 孙久文 5. 股权众筹改变未来 股权众筹家(知投网)创始人 杨文6.众筹云服务——众筹金融新模式 易筹网联合创始人 柯斌7. 众筹者的五项修炼 中国众筹精英会联合创始人、精英众筹CEO 张兆强8.咖啡馆运营关键支撑因素剖析 中央财经大文化传媒学院副教授 陈端三、众筹,让天下没有难成的梦想 1.精英众筹与企业转型 中国众筹精英会创始人 张照华2.众筹+创客:物联网的万众创新 新车间创始人 李大维3.学习型企业与众筹 全国学习型企业联盟执行秘书长 王蠡4 .众筹与社群经济 99世界众筹节发起人、众筹工厂创始人 张迅诚5. 众筹与商业模式 EMBA众筹联盟执行主席 陈东6.众筹+社区服务 华叔快修副总经理 李妍7.商帮众筹的力量 华夏商帮研究院执行院长 杨文华8. 众筹,让天下没有难成的梦想 中国互联网金融行业促进会秘书长 常桦四、看众筹江湖,煮酒论英雄 中国经典众筹案例 中国众筹风云人物 中国热门众筹网站 后记 一 要布道者,更要践行者 G2众筹工坊董事长后记 二 国际众筹论坛侧记 北京明德经伦管理科学研究院副院长 金锋附录一 国务院关于加快构建大众创业万众创新支撑平台的指导意见附录二 2015中国股权众筹行业发展报告ContentsConnecting the World through Crowdfunding—Interpretation of China Crowdfunding Industry MapContents Foreword Connecting the world through crowdfunding Xie Senshu, Secretary-general of the organizing committee of China International Crowdfunding Industry Forum amp; Exhibition, Sponsor and Secretary-general of China Crowdfunding Industry Alliance and Chairman of the Board of Beijing Qingzhonghuachou Fund Management Company Preface I Crowdfunding finance is an organic component of the multi-level capital market in China Zhang Hanya, Chairman of IAC Preface II CIFIT will continue to focus on the crowdfunding industry in China Wang Xiongwen, Director of Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Convention and Exhibition Affairs Preface III The core of the“Four Crowds” supported by the State Council is crowdfunding. Yang Dong, Vice-Dean of the Law School of Renmin University of China, Principal of CCRI and Chief Crowdfunding Finance Expert of World Crowdfunding Conference I. Crowdfunding and the New Financial Era 1. Crowdfunding and the New Financial Era Zhu Huiye, Assistant Chairman of the Investment Consulting Special Committee of IAC and Secretary-general of the Industrial and Financial Innovation Platform2. Crowdfunding—the power to promote the evolution of human organizations An Yangdong, Deputy Director of the Central Economics Committee of China Association for Promoting Democracy and Director of Beijing Municipal Committee of Economy of China Association for Promoting Democracy3. Zhongguancun builds the world’s largest equity-based crowdfunding center Liu Zhishuo, President of Zhongguancun Equity-based Crowdfunding Alliance 4. What’s next for equity-based crowdfunding?—upgrade and development of equity financing led by innovation Luo Mingxiong, President of Beijing Jingbei Crowdfunding Technology Co., Ltd and Director of Institute of Internet Finance of Shanghai Jiao Tong University5. Small public offering and sinicization of equity-based crowdfunding Sun Hua, Director of Jingdong financial and legal affairs6. Crowdfunding Leading Funds create an ecosystem of healthy crowdfunding Gao Peng, Chairman of the board of G2 Crowdfunding Workshop7. Combs and Policy Suggestions on Regulatory Systems of Equity-based Crowdfunding at Home and Abroad Luo Mingxiong, Director of the Institute of Internet Finance of Shanghai Jiao Tong Universityand President of Beijing Jingbei Crowdfunding Technology Co., Ltd. Fu Yinghua, Senior Partner of Beijing Dacheng Law Offices8. Interpretation of “The First Case of Equity-based Crowdfunding” Yang Dong, Professor of the Law School of Renmin University of China II. Practice and Experience of Crowdfunding and Crow Innovation1. Treat every dream seriously—Taobao Crowdfunding in China Gao Zheng, Principal of Taobao Crowdfunding2. The Crowdfunding era has come. Zheng Lin, CEO of Beijing Renrentou Network Technology Co., Ltd.3. The O2O road of Suning Crowdfunding Yan Xiaofei, General Manager of Suning Crowdfunding4. Whose world is subverted by self-use crowd innovation space? Sun Jiuwen, Chairman Of The Board of Wode Crowd (Beijing) Inverstment Co., Ltd.5. Equity-based crowdfunding changes the future. Yang Wen, Founder of Equity-based Crowd Funding Platform (Zhitouwang) 6. Crowdfunding cloud service—a new model of crowdfunding finance Ke Bin, Co-founder of echoucn.com7. Five disciplines for crowd funders Zhang Zhaoqiang, Co-founder of China Crowdfunding Elites Club and CEO of Elite Crowdfunding8. An analysis on key factors supporting the operation of cafés Chen Rui, Associate Professor of the School of Culture and Media of the Central University of Finance and Economics III. Crowdfunding renders no dream in the world unachievable 1. Elite crowdfunding and enterprise transformation Zhang Zhaohua, Founder of China Crowdfunding Elites Club 2. Crowdfunding + maker: innovation by the masses of the Internet of things Li Dawei, Founder of Xinchejian3. Learning-oriented enterprises and crowdfunding Wang Li, Executive Secretary of National Learning-oriented Enterprises Alliance4. Crowdfunding and socialnomics Zhang Xuncheng, Sponsor of 99 World Crowdfunding Festival and Founder of Crowdfunding Workshop5. Crowdfunding and business models Chen Dong, Executive Chairman of EMBA Crowdfunding Alliance6. Crowdfunding + community service Li Yan, Deputy General Manager of “Huashukuaixiu” Service7. The power of business group crowdfunding Yang Wenhua, Executive Dean of China Institute of Business Groups 8. Crowdfunding renders no dream in the world unachievable Chang Hua, Secretary-general of China Council for the Promotion of Internet Finance IndustryIV. Heroes and Events of the Crowdfunding Industry Classic cases of crowdfunding in ChinaElites of crowdfunding in China Trending crowdfunding websites in ChinaPostscript I Preachers are Needed, But Doers are More Needed Chairman of the Board of G2 Crowdfunding WorkshopPostscript II Sidelights on International Crowdfunding ForumJin Feng, Vice-Dean of Beijing MDJL Academy of Management Research Appendix I Guiding Opinions on Accelerating Construction of Support Platform for Public Entrepreneurship and Innovation, issued by the State CouncilAppendix II 2015 Industry Development Report on China"s Equity-based Crowdfunding篇二:我的众筹网孙久文 革命促成了公司的诞生,那么当下第三次技术革命到底会产生怎样的商业组织形态呢?” 有意思的是,9月9日召开的“中国国际众筹产业论坛”上,股权众筹联盟理事长刘志硕表示,“未来初创公司的组织形式应该是 合伙人+众筹 ,这也应该是众筹的前途。