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荆州东方中学毕业证样本由荆州市教育局统一发放学校签发,如需查看样本效果请点击荆州市高中毕业证样本。学校简介 荆州东方中学 , 地址:湖北省荆州市江津西路323号-339号。 坚持学校发展,教师发展,学生发展并举,坚持走内涵发展之路,加大教育教学改革力度,大力提高教育教学质量,加大环境、硬件投入力度,开创各项工作新局面,全力构建名校风范。
5.2013 年12 时30分,由月球车(如图甲)和着陆器 组成的嫦娥三号月球探测器从西昌卫星发射中心升空,飞行 18min 后,嫦娥三号进入如图乙所示的地月转移轨道AB,A 入口点,B为出口点。
49. Which of the following words means ‘Get a feeling of satisfaction from doing something’? (Paragraph 7) A. Afford. B. Thrive. C. Isolate. D. Insist.50. The most suitable title for this passage may be _______. A. President of Coca-Cola C. The Real Douglas Ivester B. Chief Executives of Coca-Cola D. Focus on Douglas IvesterQuestions 51 to 60 are based on the following passage. 1 Steve Redwood, a London-based management consultant with Price Waterhouse, tells of a client who had brought together a team from eight different countries to work on a project. ‘The national stereotypes applied,’ he says. ‘The people from Switzerland and Germany were mainly interested in the way the project organized. The people from Spain took a much more intuitive approach. The British had a high level of skepticism about whether the whole thing really mattered. Language was not the issue. It was more basic than that.’ 2 Behind this lies the most fundamental problem of all: the fact that outside a handful of companies – Lowell Bryan, a senior partner with McKinsey in New York puts it at between a dozen and 20 worldwide – even the biggest corporations are dominated by the culture of the home country. 3 ‘Outside that handful,’ Mr Bryan says, ‘companies are very German, or very British, or very American. One big difference with American companies is they think globalization means Americanizing the world. Others don’t have that arrogance.’ 4 If top management all come from the home country, that makes it much more difficult to attract and keep a global pool of talent. ‘People know when they fit in and when they don’t,’ Mr Bryan says. ‘That’s true even of national companies: there’s a tendency for people to have gone to the same school, or all have trained as engineers. It’s even more true when it comes to where you grew up.’ 5 The problem lies not in attracting people – a talented Indian or Korean manager will typically want early experience with a multinational – but in keeping them. ‘People will join the company to learn,’ Mr Bryan says, ‘but unless they feel they’re part of the company, they’re going to leave, and exploit the brand status of the company in their next job.’ 6 Given the importance of local cultures within the global company, an obvious question is how to appraise and identify talent around the world on a consistent basis. Richard Greenhalgh, head of management development and training at Unilever, says that the company has been working on this for the past four years. ‘We’ve been developing a set of 11 management competencies we can use worldwide,’ he says. 7 ‘The aim is to have a clear objective measure of potential. We measure such things as entrepreneurial drive, the ability to lead and develop others, and integrity. That makes up a common core of behaviors. We’ve tested it, and so far it seems to be culturally transferable.’第 7 页 (共 12 页)