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临湘市龙源乡学区联校毕业证样本由岳阳市教育局统一发放学校签发,如需查看样本效果请点击岳阳市高中毕业证样本。学校简介 临湘市龙源乡学区联校。 学校致力优化育人环境,完成校园美化绿化工程,现已拥有奥林匹克田径和篮球专用草坪赛场,为学生的学习、生活和体育锻炼提供了安全、舒适的环境。
CCBP 公共基础习题3.资金的投资收益 4.短期资金交易:央行票据、短期国债、短期融资券、回购/逆回购、同业拆借、货币 市场基金 5.债券:概念、关键要素、国债、公司债 6.外汇:概念、即期外汇交易、远期外汇交易 7.金融衍生品:概念、交易目的、期货、利率互换、货币互换、期权 3.3.2 票据业务 1.票据业务概念、种类、用途 2.承兑业务 3.贴现、转贴现业务 3.3.3 支付结算业务 1.概念 2.常见结算方式:汇票、本票、支票、汇款、信用证、托收 3.3.4 银行卡业务 1.概念、分类及功能 2.信用卡概念、分类、信用卡消费信贷特点、信用卡透支 3.借记卡概念、功能 3.3.5 代理业务 1.代收代付业务:服务方式和项目 2.代理银行业务:代理政策性银行业务、代理中央银行业务、代理商业银行业务 3.代理证券业务:代理证券资金清算业务概念及分类 4.代理保险业务:概念及种类 5.其他代理业务:委托贷款业务、代销开放式基金业务、代理国债买卖业务 3.3.6 托管业务 1.基金托管业务:概念、费用、分类 2.代保管业务:概念、出租保管箱业务、露封保管业务和密封保管业务 3.3.7 担保业务 1.银行保函业务:概念、业务种类 2.备用信用证业务:概念、业务种类 3.3.8 承诺业务 1.概念 2.业务种类:项目贷款承诺、开立信贷证明、客户授信额度和票据发行便利 3.3.9 咨询顾问业务 1.概念 2.业务种类:企业信息咨询业务、资产管理顾问业务、财务顾问业务 3.3.10 理财业务 1.概念 2.公司理财业务:概念及主要业务种类 3.个人理财业务:概念及主要业务种类 3.3.11 电子银行业务 1.网上银行:企业网上银行、个人网上银行 2.电话银行/客户服务中心 3.手机银行 4.自助终端第 18 页2011-3-22
( A) Food is very important. Everyone needs to _21_ _well if he/she wants to have a strong body. Our minds also need a kind of food. This kind of food is__ 22 __.We begin to get a knowledge even when we are very young. Small children are __23__ in everything around them. They learn __24 __while they are watching and listening. When they are getting older, they begin to ___ 25__ story books, science books? anything they like. When they find something new, they have to ask questions and__26___ to find out the answers. What is the best ___27____to get knowledge? If we learn___28___ourselves, we will get the most knowledge, If we are__29___getting answers from others and don’t ask why, we will never learn more and understand___30__. ( ) 21. A. sleep ( ) 22. A. sport ( ) 23. A. interested ( ) 24. A. everybody ( ) 25. A. lend ( ( ( ( ) 26. A. try ) 27. A. place ) 28. A. in ) 29. A. seldom B. read B. exercise B. interesting B. something B. write B. wait B. school B. always B. always B. much ( B)数学试题第 24 页 (共 36 页) 24C. drink C. knowledge C. weak C. nothing C. thinkD. eat D. meat D. meat D. anything D. readC. think D. need C. way D. road C. to D. by C. certainly D. sometimes C. well D. better( ) 30.A.harder