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河源南岭中学毕业证样本由河源市教育局统一发放学校签发,如需查看样本效果请点击河源市高中毕业证样本。学校简介 暂时没有相关简介,如需添加学校简介,请联系本站站长
改变数据库打开重置日志 A. 2, 5, 3, 1, 7, 6, 4 B. 1, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 C. 5, 1, 2, 7, 4, 6, 3 D. 7, 3, 1, 5, 6, 2, 4 Answer: B QUESTION NO: 134 How can you reverse the effects of an ALTER DISKGROUP … DROP DISK command if it has not yet completed?,你怎么能扭转“修改磁盘组删除磁盘命令”的影响,如果它尚未完成? A. Issue the ALTER DISKGROUP … ADD DISK command. B. Issue the ALTER DISKGROUP … UNDROP DISKS command. C. Issue the ALTER DISKGROUP … DROP DISK CANCEL command. D. Retrieve the disk from the Recycle Bin after the operation completes. Answer: B QUESTION NO: 135 To reference existing ASM files, you need to use a fully qualified ASM filename. Your development database has a disk group named DG2A, the database name is DEV19, and the ASM file that you want to reference is a datafile for the USERS02 tablespace. Which of the following is a valid ASM filename for this ASM file? 为引用现有的ASM文件,你需要使用一个完全合格的ASM文件名。